Get to know me!

My name is Olivia and I’m in my second year at the University of Victoria in the Elementary B. Ed program! I was born and raised in the beautiful city of Penticton BC which is nestled in between two lakes, Skaha and Okanagan! I love Taylor Swift, the colour pink, coffee, my friends, traveling, and of course my family!

I began dancing at the age of three, and ever since my world has been immersed with tutus, pointe shoes and glitter. I loved that dance gave me a place to express myself through art while keeping my body healthy! Even though I no longer compete, dance will always have a special place in my heart.

I competed in track and field in high school and have since found quite the passion for running. I completed my first half marathon in May of 2024 and am looking forward to racing again in May 2025. For me, running is so much more than just an exercise form. It is an escape from reality, it has provided me with a sense of community and it’s fun! I decided to do my inquiry project on my pathway to my half marathon as I believe this will help me follow my goals and stay on track, all while sharing resources with others!